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New Toys: A Short Story

  New Toys



  Madison took the box from the delivery guy and thanked him. She closed the door and turned around, walking toward the stairs, but focusing on the box in her hands. She knew what was inside, and her heart momentarily sped up. Madison bit her lip, and brought the box upstairs to her room.


  Madison’s room was brightly lit and airy. As it was a warm day during early summer, she had opened her window to let a breeze through the room, and her long curtains gently billowed as the air passed through. The breeze carried the scent of freshly-cut grass and flowers, and in the distance she could hear cars passing on the road and someone’s lawnmower.

  She was at home alone — her parents were on vacation for the week, and she was home from college for a while — so she took advantage of the quietness and decided to lie on in bed that morning. She got up late and still wasn’t properly dressed: she wore baby blue pyjama shorts, cotton socks, and a partially-buttoned, over-sized white shirt. Her dirty blonde hair was still scruffy, but she’d fix it up later when she got dressed to go out. In the meantime, however, she was more interested in the box.

  Madison had never used a vibrator or anything before, but they were sometimes the topic of hushed, giggling conversation among her college friends. She always ended up avoiding conversation when sex toys came up: she had always been unsure if she ever wanted to use them, and she didn’t want to seem like a prude to her peers. She just nodded, agreed, and laughed along with the girls, secretly hoping the conversation would change soon. The more she thought about them, though, the more fascinated she became with sex toys. Maybe six weeks ago she found some porn on the internet where a woman pleasured herself with a dildo; she had hesitated at first, but curiosity got the better of her and she played the video. Soon, she found her fingers were between her legs, mimicking the thrusting actions of the woman’s toy.

  She sat up on her bed, cross-legged, and placed the box in front of her. She tore the tape off the top of the nondescript box and opened the flaps. Inside was a bunch of foam bubbles. She reached in and pulled out what was buried under them.

  First; a small, red, lipstick-sized vibrator. She turned the switch at its base and it immediately started to buzz in her hand, catching her by surprise. She turned it off again, but gazed at its shape for a moment before laying it down on the bed.


  New Toys

  Next; a black dildo, about 9 inches long. Madison felt its smooth texture and flexed it in her fingers, feeling it bend. It was in the shape of a cock, and she bit her lip as she looked at it, wondering what it might feel like inside her. She placed it next to the vibrator, then looked back at the box and the foam bubbles, thinking about the last item.

  Finally; her hand drew out a small, wide, glass plug. It had some colours through the glass, but it was quite transparent and she could see through it. She felt its heavy weight in her hands, then subconsciously circled its wide girth with her finger and thumb, measuring just how big it was. ‘Fuck,’ she whispered.

  She placed the glass butt plug next to her other toys and looked at them all. She sighed, and licked her lip. The prospect of using these was already exciting her, and she could feel the tingling sensation in her pussy. She gently drew her fingers across the crotch of her pyjama shorts, slightly tickling her clit.

  After a few moments of gazing at her new toys, she made a decision.

  ‘I… choose… you!’ She picked up the small vibrator, and smiled.


  Madison had needed to do a few small chores around the house, but her mind was on other things throughout. She finally returned to her room with a glass of water, and looked at the yellow vibrator resting on her pillow. She smiled again, and placed the water on her bedside dresser.

  Still in her earlier, lazy clothing choice, she crawled up onto the bed and turned around onto her back, grabbing the vibrator as she did so. She looked at it and turned it on and off again a few times, quietly amusing herself. She had put on some slow, sensual music to help get her in the mood — not that she needed much help; her heart had been steadily increasing in its rate over the last hour or so since she opened the box. A small wet patch had already formed on her shorts.

  She lay back and closed her eyes and began her ritual: She always liked to savour each and every moment of her pleasure. She let the music wrap itself around her, hearing the soft, feminine raspiness of the singer’s voice. It was like a caress.

  She let her body move a little in time with the slow, rhythmic beat of the music, and felt the cotton of her shirt as it shifted across her breasts and tummy. She raised her hands toward her head and ran her fingers through her messy hair, feeling it slide between her fingers. She focused her mind on her pussy, and as she moved her hips she felt how the pyjama shorts brushed against the inside of her thighs and against her lips.

  Her hands moved down back to her body, her long fingers tracing a line along her neck and across her collarbone. One hand opened a shirt button, and her finger ran between her breasts. She bit her lip, eyes still closed. Her other hand travelled across her stomach and to her legs. Her lightly-tanned skin was silky-smooth under her fingertips as she brought them between her legs and along the inside of her thighs. The heightened sensitivity there made her tingle, and she exhaled deeply as she let her legs spread apart a little more.

  Madison slid a hand under the opening in her shirt and stroked her nipple, which was quickly becoming erect. She felt the warm suppleness of her breast in her hand, tracing her fingers along its curve. Her other hand moved behind her bent leg to the back of her thigh and to her ass cheeks, its curve echoing those of her upper body. She let her hand slip under the cotton shorts to explore the crevice between her legs.

  Still eager to enjoy every moment, she allowed her fingers go where they wished — but she wanted to deny herself too much pleasure for now, and avoided her now-enlarged clitoris. A couple of finger tips ran along the division between her buttocks, stopping for a moment at her back-hole. Another audible exhalation as she stroked it softly.

  She pinched her nipple and bit her lip. The pleasure was intensifying. She lifted her leg slightly to give herself more access from behind it, and her hand crept up to her pussy lips. She let her fingers slide along them, getting wet, before teasing herself by pushing a fingertip inside, and circling it around. She moaned.

  Opening her eyes a little, Madison found the vibrator on the bed next to her. She opened up the remaining two buttons of the shirt, and let it fall to her sides. She looked down her body toward her open legs and watched the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, punctuated by the regular beat of her heart. She could feel the cool breeze from the open window against her exposed skin. She turned on the vibrator and reached down to her wet pussy again.

  The buzzing device excited her clit as she brushed it along herself, up and down along her lips, occasionally pressing it against her glistening bud. Her body was beginning to move even more as she rolled her hips over and back, breathing becoming heavy. A single trickle of her liquid desire followed a path from her sex, between the gap in her buttocks, and she could feel it settle on her asshole.

  Madison began to moan more loudly. She slid the vibrator in and out of herself, feeling it hum against the inside of her vagina. Her other hand started to rub her clit, squeezing it between the gaps in her fingers as they moved up and down, the vibrator penetrating her hole. Soon, however, the small toy wasn’t enough: Madison wanted to feel fuller, and she swapped her hands. Now, the vibrator was playing with her clitoris, while she slid some fingers into her pussy, reaching as far as she could to press against her sweet spot.

  The young woman
was close to climax, and she still wanted to savour everything; indeed, taste everything. With her eyes closed, she withdrew her fingers from herself and brought them to her mouth. Her tongue reached out and made contact with the slender, wet fingers. The sweet, yet sharp, taste spread through her mouth, and her nose was filled with her own musky, warm scent. She took her fingers deep in her mouth, imagining she was licking her wetness off a hard cock. She reached back down and pushed her fingers back inside and started to fuck herself, ever faster and harder.

  She pushed the vibrator up and down against her clitoris bringer herself to a peak: with a sharp gasp she bucked her hips and arched her back, her muscles tightening around her fingers. She let the waves of pleasure course through her body as it shuddered in ecstasy, feeling the music and the cotton and the cool summer breeze carry her along.

  The storm in her body eventually subsided and she lay, spread-eagled, on the bed, waiting for her breath to return to normal. As she did so, she lifted the yellow vibrator to her face and looked at it still glistening with her nectar.

  She smiled and put it down, and gazed at the ceiling.

  ‘One down, two to go.’


  Home Alone

  Madison sat in the back living room with her legs up on the long sofa. She was enjoying a couple of glasses of wine as she relaxed for the evening. The large glass doors were left open and led out to the patio and large garden, which were illuminating by the light of an oncoming sunset. Madison loved this time of the day, when things were getting quieter and people were less rushed; she noted the relative silence outside and could hear a few birds in the distance. The day had been very warm so the gentle breeze flowing through the room was a welcome one. She took another sip of her pinot grigio and flicked through a couple of channels on the large flatscreen television opposite her, before settling on some crime thriller TV show.

  ‘I wonder how this is going to go,’ she asked herself sarcastically as she spotted the obvious sexual tension between two characters. Sure enough, within a few minutes the inevitable sex scene was played out. ‘Typical!’ she laughed.

  She kept watching as the man and woman fucked in the dark room, though thanks to camera angles and clever placement of bedsheets, nothing was shown. Madison wondered how the couple would look in real life, without the acting. The guy was hot, and she admired his hard body and the lines of his muscles as they shone dimly with the dull light catching his beads of sweat. He was fucking the woman hard, but not too fast, and she was loving it. What was his cock like, Madison asked herself. In her mind, she imagined her own perfect fantasy cock: Not huge, but longer than average with a good thickness to it. A cock that was solid and could keep on performing as long as it too to keep her satisfied. She imagined her hands around this fantasy penis and thought about how it would feel, pulsing slightly as the man’s heartbeat raced, maybe its tip glistening a little as some pre-cum made its way out. She imagined her tongue circling that tip, catching those droplets.

  ‘Wow,’ she said, surprised, waking up from her daydream. She could feel her own heart pick up the pace, and took another sip of wine to help calm herself down. She thought a little more, no longer concentrating on the TV show. ‘Fuck it; why not?’

  She got up, closed the back door, turned off the television and went up to her room.


  Before getting ready for bed — and for other things — Madison decided to have a shower in her ensuite bathroom to freshen up. She turned on some music in her room and lit a candle to listen to as she wound down for the evening. She got undressed, leaving a bundle of clothes on the ground where she stood. She stopped for a moment and admired her naked body in the mirror, having spent some time running in recent months to tone up and get a little fitter. ‘You ain’t doing too bad, Mads, you sexy thing,’ she said, and winked at herself.

  The sex scene on the TV earlier and her brief daydream about playing with a hard cock meant she had one thing on her mind: tonight she was going to use her new dildo.

  Madison grabbed a towel and went into the shower. Steam soon filled the bathroom and she stepped in. She closed her eyes and let the water fall on her face and soak her hair. She moved her body in under the stream completely to get totally covered in water, and she poured out some shower gel into her hands. She smeared the light blue gel across the top of her breasts and began to work it into a lather. Her hands spread the bubbly gel across her body and down her long legs. After a few minutes of washing she let the water rinse the gel off her, but she still let her hands roam.

  Madison cupped her breasts and felt their shape. She lightly pinched her nipples and bit her lips at the very slight sense of pain. Her hands slid down her wet body across her toned tummy; she moved them along her hips and took a moment to feel the flesh of her buttocks, briefly running a couple of fingers along the crack between them. She wanted to feel the shape of her body.

  Her hands moved to the front and she moved one of them along her vulva, feeling her lips between her fingers. A single fingertip rubbed against her clitoris, just enough to tease it a bit more. Back up along her stomach and to her breasts again, then past them to run her fingers along her neck and through her hair.

  Within a couple of minutes she had slid a finger into her wet pussy and was slowly fucking herself. She didn’t want to bring herself too far, however; that was going to be the job of her new toy. Madison stopped playing with herself and finished in the shower.


  After drying off, Madison pulled up a chair in front of her full-length mirror in her bedroom and sat down on it. She was already very turned on and her pink pussy lips showed it. She spread her legs and looked at herself in the mirror, again admiring her sexy body. With one hand she spread apart her lips, and with the other she slid two fingers inside and immediately started thrusting. Her eyes closed and she moaned loudly as she pleasured herself.

  She lifted her legs so she could get a view of her back hole, and a finger — covered in her wetness — pushed into it, as she used her other hand to rub her clit. She felt her ass muscles tighten around her finger as she slid it in and out.

  ‘Oh, fuck, yeah…’ she gasped as she watched herself in the mirror. ‘Fucking take it…’

  Soon, she withdrew her finger from her ass and went back to work on her now-soaked pussy: she still had another toy for some ass-play, but that was for another night’s fun. Instead, she reached for her new black dildo. She felt the smooth, flexible plastic in her hand and ran her finger along the fake veins along its length. She watched herself in the mirror as she brought the new toy to her mouth and brushed its tip along her soft lips. The tip of her tongue emerged and circled around the head of the dildo, then moved down along the shaft. Madison could feel the bumps and textures on her tongue, and she watched herself teasing this fake cock, imagining it was a real one she was getting ready to fuck her. With one hand rubbing her clit she opened her mouth and slid the dildo in, feeling it fill her mouth. She massaged the tip with her tongue and paid attention to how it felt in her mouth. She moved the black toy in and out as she sucked on it. She had sucked real cocks before, but she liked how she could control how this felt in her mouth without an over-excited man not savouring the moment and enjoying the pleasure for as long as it could last.

  Madison took the dildo from her mouth, the wet toy glinting in the lamplight. She brought it down to her pussy and rubbed it against her clitoris for a few moments, enjoying the warm sensations it sent pulsing through her body. Gently, she spread apart the folds of her secret flesh and slowly pushed the toy into her with a sharp intake of breath. With her legs open, Madison looked at herself closely as she began to thrust the dildo in and out — slowly at first, but gradually picking up speed.

  She noted the sensation the dildo gave her: it was thicker than a real penis so it made her feel quite tight, enhancing the pleasure she was getting from the thrusting actions. She felt it as she slid it in, up through her vagina, making her feel full
inside. Her muscles tightened around it and her body quivered as the sensations became more intense.

  Madison slowed down — she didn’t want to climax just yet — and withdrew the plastic cock. Her heart was racing and she was feeling extremely stimulated. She brought the toy back to her mouth and ran her tongue along it, tasting her wetness, and wondering at the back of her mind if this was how all women tasted: she had a certain sweetness and silky texture, subtle yet intoxicating. She continued to suck on the toy for a moment before sliding it back in between her legs.

  She used her other hand to stimulate herself, picking up the pace as she rubbed her clit and thrusted the cock in and out of her sex. Breathing heavily and moaning loudly on the chair as she watched herself in the mirror, she allowed the orgasm to take hold: her muscles tightened around the toy and she kept up the motion on her clitoris, determined to prolong the feeling. Her hips bucked and her body shuddered. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, feeling the warmth ripple through her core, embracing her with a sensual comfort.

  As her orgasm receded she took out the dildo and put it down, but continued to gently caress herself with her hands and fingers, slowing down as her breath returned to normal. Once finished, she gave herself a satisfied and coy smile in the mirror as she licked the sweet liquid off her fingertips.


  Playing with a Friend

  Madison returned from the kitchen with another bottle of Chardonnay for herself and her friend Jane. Jane was an old friend from their high school days, and as Madison was home for a short while, they decided to meet up. She was a bit shorter than Madison and quite petite, and looked small on the sofa as she sat in her pyjamas with her legs folded underneath her and dark brown hair tied back.